First cohort of Interns graduate at NYEWASCO

>>First cohort of Interns graduate at NYEWASCO

First cohort of Interns graduate at NYEWASCO

The first cohort of interns graduated yesterday on 20th June 2022. This was after one year of intensive training in various departments. Speaking during the graduation, NYEWASCO MD Eng. Peter Kahuthu urged the graduands to exercise all the knowledge garnered during the one year training program in their next workplaces. He also urged them to remain disciplined and committed to their professions even as they separate from the company after successfully completing their training. Other members of the senior management who were present reiterated the MD’s sentiments and wished the graduands success in their job search.

By | 2022-06-21T09:04:13+00:00 June 21st, 2022|News & Press|0 Comments

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